2007年5月28日 星期一

Effects of TechnologyTechnology and the changes it brings can have a very big effect on our lives. Which technological change has had the largest effect on life in this country? The society is very convenient at present.All is because of technological flourishing.Let our living comfort for leading.I feel the convenience that the transportation brings influences biggest.It lets the permafrost distance shorten.The carrying of goods is also very convenient.In this case.Convenient back.What to bring is an environmental pollution problem.In modern times, industrialization is inevitably accompanied by environmental pollution. While enjoying high economic growth, almost every country has to pay for it as well with the ruin of its natural environment. Nowadays, pollution has become a major concern in many advanced countries. With foresight about this problem, these countries have all done an excellent job in pollution control. But in Taiwan, the island striving to become a developed country, the pollution problem is getting worse because of people's indifference toward it and the lack of effective solutions from the government. Strictly speaking, most Taiwan people's concern about environmental pollution seems inadequate. Factories vomit heavy smoke to make air choking, waste water and garbage poured from plants and pig-breeders along rivers turn them into dead water; the litter left by visitors mars every scenic spot. Out of ignorance people don't see the damage their behavior does to nature, as well as to their living environment. Though sometimes not immediately visible, the influence of such damage is so profound that it might even threaten people's lives. However, most people in Taiwan still pay little attention to this imminent pollution crisis. On the other hand, the government does not work hard enough on the pollution problem. It was not until pollution was worsening that the government even became aware of it, not to mention taking proper precautions. Even now, it has not worked out effective measures to control pollution. The government does not carry out plans decisively, and does not execute laws thoroughly. All this delay only leads to a worse condition. For example, even though according to reports in the newspapers exhaust from cars and buses accounts for 95% of the air pollution in Taipei, the government has still not made use of lead-free gasoline mandatory. It allows city run buses, some of the worst offenders. To continue to operate despite their using substandard pollution control devices. Only in the last year has the government begun construction on a limited subway system. In the meantime, pollution continues to worsen. It fact, we cannot afford any more delay now. The later the job is begun, the more the Taiwan people will suffer. Therefore, to prevent the natural environment from being ruined beyond salvage, the people and the government urgently need to cooperate
I usually went to a river side to swim in childhood.That is the very beautiful memory.My good friend and I go together.There are good mountains good water scenery being very beautiful.I almost all go there every day.Release from school I and my a major flock of people of friend walked through to swam.When I have a holiday now I sometimes go there.But feeling up have no at the beginning and O.K. This is my numbers of memory in my childhood .

2007年5月14日 星期一

1.Why was Operation Smile Formed ? Would you like to be a medical volunteer and help a chld?
2.How do you think children lives are being changed after they have surgery for cleft lips?
60. M: Do you know anything about Ronny? W: WeIl, I do know that he minds his father. Q: What did the woman say about Ronny?
1.Looking for
2.To carry out
59. W: Do you need anything from the store? M: Yes, pick up a package of cigarette for me. Q: What did the man say?
1.A collection or quantity
2.To fill
3.To crowd together.
58. W: What’s the matter with Frank? M: He has hardly any money. Q: What did the man say about Frank?
2.For the most part
57. M: Where is the table you want repair? W: Follow me to the back of the house. Q: What did the woman say?
1.The back or hinder part
56. W: Do you enjoy fishing? M: Yes, it’s my favorite sport. Q: What do we know from the conversation?
1.Feeling of happiness
55. W: Where are you going, Bob? M: I’m going to have this suit pressed. Q: Where will the man have to go?


good bye my love

2007年5月7日 星期一

I am coming!!